How to convince
my director to watch
a demo?
Receptionnist hotel mid-scale
With Quotelo,
keep your smile 😀
when you receive
a quote request
You are a receptionist in a mid-scale hotel?
Does your establishment manage events, seminars?
Quotelo frees the receptionists from reservations and the management administratives tasks related
MICE and the GROUPS!

Receptionist is a complicated job: you have to speak several languages, to smile everytime with every customers in front of you and on the phone, know many hotels software, know how to manage complex situations and emergencies; and in addition, in mid-scale hotels in particular, you must transform in salesrep to sell room rentals, seminars and events while writing MICE and group quotes.
Quotelo simplifies and completely eliminates all entering quote lines tasks, seminar room scheduling, and function sheets writing by digitizing all GROUPS & MICE proposals.
All you have to do is just check the pre-drafted quotes. In addition, you will no longer need to check VAT rates, calculation errors and customer details because the quote is 100% digitized and automated. Only specific requests may require a phone call!
Rather than administration, receptionists with Quotelo focus on the guests satisfaction!

Imagine sending your quotes 30 seconds after receiving the customer’s request! With Quotelo you are notified of each request and in 1 click you just check the quote already written!
Do not worry about deposits payment: Quotelo automates customer reminders and only warns you if human intervention is necessary.
Allocate seminar and conferencies rooms with a simple drag and drop and don’t worry about function sheets, they update themself automatically!
in a jiffy
1 click is enough to duplicate a day with many services or packages! Only the quantities can be modified if necessary.
With this automation, time keeping is significant for study days or residential seminars including numerous catering services (drinks, meals, packages) and seminar rooms, for example.
Imagine that the VAT rates are automatic and always correct, that there are never any calculation or comma errors . This is possible with Quotelo because you will never more enter anything, or even nothing at all if your PMS is interfaced with Quotelo!

Our customers testify

GROUP / SEMINAR quote at the bottom of your mailbox 👍
Quotelo sends automatic reminders to your customers : quote signatures, installment payments and balance invoices. But Quotelo MICE and GROUP application also sends to receptionists all reminders, so that you never forget any proposal, neither group / event / seminar request and you are sure that all your customers receive an answer.
So no more stress, you are notified in real time and the Quotelo dashboard keeps all your to-do list until each action is done (sending quotes, editing invoices, customer reminders, etc.)
Before Quotelo, the total time needed to create a proposal could require you between 5 minutes and 2 hours of working time to write it, depending on its complexity.
And that was without assuming the discovery time of the customer needs who has all his time and who takes his time, on the phone…
With Quotelo, all the discovery needs are made by the booking engine, in the smallest details, and all the quotes is pre-written. You only have to validate it or not, without risk of error in addition!
As your Seminar / Group / Event quotes are automatically written for you, you now have more time for yourself and you can send your quotes with complete peace of mind, with much more responsiveness!
Quotelo makes you available and the receptionists who use the application explain to us that they have a lot more smiles because they have more time to properly take care of their client, on the phone and face to face, since all the unattractive tasks are performed automatically.
MICE and GROUPS digitalization suite
for proposals + scheduling + function sheets
Like many other hoteliers, say hello to automated quotes.
- Without engagement
- tomorrow operational test
- 15 minutes of tailor-made training