The MICE and Group segment
is a realm of growth and development,

Maximize the Efficiency of Your Group and MICE Bookings

Quotelo Empowers Sales Directors and Supercharges Sales

Quotelo Streamlines MICE and Group Reservations and Management

directeur d'hotel heureux avec Quotelo
Free Yourself and your Sales team from All the Administrative Burden of MICE and Groups and Focus on High-Value Tasks

The key to realizing your ambitions lies in your ability to consistently exceed your customers’ expectations while driving your revenue, including in the lucrative realm of MICE and groups. This involves maximizing the utilization of your spaces and responding with unparalleled agility.

Current processes entail a dance of email exchanges, time-consuming back-and-forths, and incessant data entry for every step, from initial sketches to final quotes, through invoicing, and meticulous document preparation.

Quotelo invites you to embrace a bold transformation of non-digital practices, thereby unlocking exceptional productivity gains.

Say goodbye to redundant data entry (or eliminate it entirely if your PMS is compatible), benefit from automated quote generation, and construct a structured B2B, group, and MICE offering driven by data.

Errors in quotes? None. Response times? Trimmed to under 2 minutes upon receipt of each request. Duplicate data entry in schedules and function sheets: eliminated!

With Quotelo, revolutionize your methods and shape your hotel’s future.

Elevate your REVMET (revenue per square meter of available meeting space) by significantly optimizing occupancy rates and fine-tuning rental rates for rooms, event days, and residential seminars. This is Quotelo’s mission, and if you’re reading these words, there’s a strong chance it’s your aspiration as well!


logiciel MICE et GROUPE - Tableau de bord Quotelo
Your 360° Multiproperties Vision

Unleash Unprecedented Efficiency in Your MICE and Group Operations: Conversion Rate, Response Time, Average Proposal Values… You’re in Control Like Never Before!

As a Sales Manager, you fully grasp why sales teams are consistently tied to their keyboards, inputting proposals and tirelessly reentering the same data into function sheets and agendas with each client update.

This time-consuming black hole originates from the intricate management of MICE and group affairs – an area still awaiting the digital transformation that is reshaping the hotel industry.

Day in and day out, you witness your sales team juggling quote requests over the phone and through emails. Quotelo disrupts this counterproductive process, infusing fresh vigor into hotel productivity by automating 98% of these laborious entries.

MICE and Group sales professionals experience an 80% boost in efficiency, finally unlocking time and availability for what truly matters to your clients: a warm welcome, exceptional responsiveness, and unparalleled satisfaction!

You’ve been effectively yield managing your room rates for years, leveraging the structured data that’s readily available. The same principle can be applied to your MICE segment, but it’s a whole different story. MICE data is scattered across Excel sheets, Word documents, CRMs, PMS, PDFs… There’s no streamlined system to efficiently structure this intricate data for optimizing meeting room rates, meal packages, lunches, and even rates for day events and residential seminars.

Quotelo steps in to structure all this data seamlessly, enabling you to yield optimize these services and drive revenue growth while boosting room occupancy rates and maximizing your REVPAR per square meter of available space.

What’s even more remarkable is that Quotelo achieves all this without burdening your sales teams, receptionists, or MICE staff with manual data entry. Discover the magic firsthand by requesting a demo.

Embark on an Incredible Revolution in MICE and Group Reservations with our sophisticated Booking Engine, seamlessly integrated with your brand identity. Whether it’s on your website, email signatures, Google Places, or shared interactions, your guests are immersed in a next-generation booking experience.

Envision a virtual companion, a revolutionary chatbot, at the heart of this experience. It guides your clients with unparalleled immersion, assisting them in every choice. From the very first glimpse of your establishment to a meticulous understanding of your offerings, it becomes the maestro of each request, even the most intricate.

And that’s not all. This exceptional advisor also excels in the art of personalized recommendations, available non-stop, 24/7. Immerse yourself in the power of a reservation experience that redefines standards, courtesy of our Booking Engine, meticulously crafted exclusively for you.

Empower Your Sales Team with Superpowers
rom Quotelo's homepage, monitor all your statistics at a glance:

What’s the value in manually inputting quote details?

None, when Quotelo does it for your sales team.

Quotelo frees up valuable commercial time for tasks that truly add value.

In the hotel industry, it takes an average of 17 hours for a quote (or an email response…) to be sent to a new MICE or group prospect.

With Quotelo, it’s less than 3 minutes! Can you imagine the impression your clients will have when they receive your quote in an instant, while your competitors send theirs 2 or 3 days later?

You will have already had the time to reach out to the client to present your quote (or what we call a quote, a commercial proposal, and a sales brochure at Quotelo), gauge their interest, potentially adjust the services and price, and have the quote signed. All this while providing excellent customer care without taking more time than your old sales approach, yet building a crucial human connection and gaining their trust!

With our MICE and Group reservation chatbot, your clients are guided to explain their request. If a sales representative needs to reach out to them, they won’t ask questions that prospects have already answered in a form…

Small detail: the chatbot works online 24/7… (and it doesn’t miss any sales opportunity)

logiciel de génération automatique de devis MICE et Groupe

Our clients are sharing their testimonials...

Directeur d'un hôtel CAMPANILE à Lyon, Florian Veyrier
“"With Quotelo, even my receptionists can easily modify a complex seminar quote! The application was effortlessly adopted, with a training of just 10 minutes. Moreover, I have access to my statistics very easily and in real-time. This was impossible with my PMS and CRM before Quotelo!"”
Florian Veyrier, Campanile Hotel General Manager
réceptionniste heureuse avec Quotelo
“I can't go back to our previous way of working! Quotelo has truly transformed our workflow for the better: I have more time for clients in front of me even as quote requests keep coming in. In our hotel, we can't have the booking engine integrated into our website, but even without it, creating quotes is so much easier with Quotelo that I still save a lot of time.”
Chun - Campanile Hotel Receptionist
Directeur d'un hôtel franchisé
“My group mandated the use of Quotelo for me. At first, I thought it was just to gain more visibility into my MICE and group segment. But when I understood all the possible automations and the significant time and productivity gains for my teams and myself, I quickly changed my mind and became very supportive of implementing this solution. MICE and GROUP only account for 10% of my revenue in my establishment, and I realized that it was these 10% that were causing disorganization in the hotel because the processes were not well-established, there was too much data entry, and the B2B and event offerings were not sufficiently structured. Quotelo, by digitizing and optimizing my offerings and processes, has profoundly reduced the workload for my team.”
Julien - Franchised hotel director
Jean-Louis, client de Quotelo
“I was amazed at how quickly the digital transformation shift in our establishments, particularly in the MICE and GROUP segment, was embraced by our frontline teams. The change management support was remarkably brief: within a week, all our receptionists were proficient with Quotelo, and all the quotes, schedules, function sheets, and follow-ups were being generated through this application. The Cloud mode also allows me to connect from anywhere to monitor MICE and GROUP statistics in real-time!”
Jean-Louis - Franshised hotel group Director
logiciel de génération automatique de devis MICE et Groupe
You're about to empower your operations with the ultimate efficiency solution for
GROUP / EVENT / SEMINAR booking and management 👍

No need to overhaul your processes. Quotelo, with its faster quote delivery, automatic upsell suggestions 24/7, and most importantly, MICE and GROUP rate optimization, enables a colossal jump in revenue and profitability from the very first months of use.

And as the collected data continues to grow, it’s not uncommon to sustain this growth the following year with another +20%, either through improved room occupancy rates or higher rates due to increased demand on peak days.

Previously, creating a quote required a variable amount of time, ranging from 5 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the complexity of each project. Prior to integrating Quotelo, the process involved a substantial time investment to decipher the client’s needs, which could be a challenging task during phone calls or email exchanges. However, with Quotelo, this phase of needs discovery undergoes a transformation into a detailed and digital process, enabling the anticipation of nearly 98% of the quote.

Now, you only need to engage with the client to refine and validate the quote, thus preserving the human aspect of the interaction. And here’s the subtle point to note: with Quotelo, you can be assured that the quote writing process will be error-free – no confusion in calculations, no misunderstandings about VAT, no incorrect input, and no inappropriate copying and pasting. With Quotelo, precision is absolutely guaranteed.

When your management or property owner asks you for the revenue per square meter of available space, you can provide them with the statistic on the spot with Quotelo.

The same goes for the quote conversion rate… The same goes for the capture rate of Seminar clientele for lunch and dinner, complete with Average Food Spend per person, Beverage PM, and Breaks PM!

Even the activities offered by your establishment have a ranking in the stats, allowing you to quickly see which ones are performing the best. Is it bike rentals? Team building? Spa privatization? All your activities (and those of your nearby partners) can be integrated into the solution to generate statistics and make more informed decisions.

How to Persuade Your Hotel Director of the Benefits  using Quotelo?

Our answer there!
Put Your Trust in the #1 Leader in
Digitalizing MICE and Group
for Quotes / Planning / Function Sheets.

Join the ranks of many other hoteliers

and say Hello to MICE and Group Automation.

  • No commitment required
  • Operational test from tomorrow
  • Maximum intuitiveness: Customized 15-minute training is all it takes!
les tarifs de Quotelo sont transparents, simples et limpides
Experience Quotelo in just 2 minutes flat!

We look forward to meeting you,

don't hesitate to reach out to us